
AP Psychology

Page history last edited by Adrienne Rowe 12 years, 5 months ago


AP Psychology


Welcome to AP Psychology!


...and welcome to your new WIKI.  This site will give you access to almost all of the materials you will need to succeed in this course.  You will find links to the textbook website, GA standards, Common Core Standards, class expectations, your syllabus and all assignments.


Course Description

The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. During this course, you will be exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. You will also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice.  Additional course information can be access through the College Board's website http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/sub_psych.html 


A variety of topics will be covered throughout the semester, including but not limited to: the relationship between the brain and behavior, the anatomy and physiology of the brain and senses, abnormal psychology, personality, developmental psychology, as well as clearly examine and decipher the various schools of thought and renowned theorists in the field of psychology.  


This course will require that students build upon previous learned information throughout the semester.  Failure to scaffold knowledge will leave you at a significant disadvantage.  You will not be able to learn material, take a test and never use the content again.  We will be constantly building our vocabulary and deepening our understanding of psychology. 


Course Assignments and Calendar

All course materials and assignments can be access through the "Pages and Files" tab under AP Psychology FA2012 Folder.  Please use either the tab above or access through the Navigator Pane to your right --->


Tips to Success:

There are many different ways to "do well" in this class. 

  1. The first is that this class requires discipline.  You must keep up with your reading, homework assignments and be diligent about handing in assignments on time.  There will be no excuses for late work.  This WIKI gives you access to all relevant information and content you will need to succeed in this classroom.
  2. READ all assigned materials. 
  3. Thirdly, you must find a study method that works best for you.  I am a firm believer the framework of multiple intelligences, so do what works for you, if you don't know what that is, I can help you find it.  However, you need to study.  You will always have homework and the pace of this course is quick - keep up. 
  4. Which brings me to my final suggestion: time managementWithout time management skills you will inevitably miss assignments, forget to do things, or not complete the work fully or accurately, this will put you at a distinct disadvantage in this class. 


AP Psychology Resources

All important websites and resources for the course can be accessed here AP Psychology Resources .  Chapter and content specific resources will be filed under the appropriate chapter folders.

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